Creating a Life Road Map
We all know that we have to “do life”. We have to go to work and keep developing skills so that we can stay employable; we have to maintain our households by cooking, cleaning and getting up the next day to do it all over again. If we are married and have children that adds another dimension to “doing life”.
We also have to get the right amount of exercise so that we can stay healthy and we also have to play other roles such as daughter, sister, volunteer, friend, and the list goes on and on. Before we know it, we are so busy “doing life” that we forget to live.
I once read a book entitled “Grace for the Pace” and the author asked the question:
“Do you have a vision or a plan for your life? Family? Career? Do you have a plan for this year? This month? This week? Today?”
Now I know that we all probably set goals for ourselves for the year, but do we have a vision for what we want our lives to look like? The author suggests that we write our vision down in such a practical way that when we read it we are motivated to run with it?
So…… what do you see yourself doing for the rest of this week, the rest of this month, and the rest of this year? Do you see yourself exercising three times a week for 30 minutes? Taking a class? Letting your nails grow? Changing your career? Writing a book?
Take a few minutes to write your vision down, and post it where you can see it every day. Keep it simple, Strategic, Practical. This can become your personal road-map to help you to see where you want to go and to hopefully get you there.