Give Yourself to You, Before You Give Yourself Away!
As women we don’t get much time to ourselves very often. If we have families, we are always seeing to their needs or many of us have demanding careers or…
Information: Woman to Woman
Information: Woman to Woman
As women we don’t get much time to ourselves very often. If we have families, we are always seeing to their needs or many of us have demanding careers or…
I was recently watching a television special about Oprah Winfrey and her “O” factor. The experience has been that if she mentions your product, your name, your business, your book […]
I’m not talking about your account at Chase Bank or Citicorp or Harris Bank. I am referring to your Emotional Bank Account, as Stephen Covey calls it in his book […]
This is one of those motivational sayings that you find on little plaques, mugs, cards and in my case-a key ring. I’ve been wondering how effective these types of sayings are for people.
Do they really motivate people to take action or are they just feel good words that make you feel great for the moment, but then reality sets in and nothing happens.
On April 29, 2009, President Barack Obama celebrated his 100th day in the office of the President of the United States. The first 100 days of a presidency took on symbolic significance during Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration, so the period is considered a benchmark to measure the early success of a president.
No matter our color, our education level, our place of residence, our income level—we are all a member of the sisterhood. I receive a card with the following verbiage and it resonated with me…
A handsome and supportive husband, well behaved, intelligent children, a job paying 6 figures that utilizes my many talents and skills, a beautiful well kept and sparkling clean home, and the energy and enthusiasm to be wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, volunteer and PTO board member….
“Make the World Go Away” “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” “I Did It My Way” “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” Which of the song titles above, best fit your mood […]
Have you ever stopped for a moment to reflect on the fact that you are so busy “living your life” that you have forgotten how to enjoy your life?
I’ll be the first to admit that more often then not my “beauty check” finds me lacking in some areas. My view on beauty is, if I don’t think that I’m beautiful who will, right? However…
Many of us play several different roles in life: wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, employee and the list goes on and on…