How to Hydrate Your Skin While You Sleep
Did You know: The Best Time to Hydrate Your Skin is at Night A lack of hydration is particularly harmful and devastating for facial skin. When your skin isn’t hydrated, […]
Information: Woman to Woman
Information: Woman to Woman
Did You know: The Best Time to Hydrate Your Skin is at Night A lack of hydration is particularly harmful and devastating for facial skin. When your skin isn’t hydrated, […]
There are literally hundreds of thousands of websites on the Internet that are dedicated to women and the topics that are important to us. The mission of the Savvy Woman […]
Pinterest is a website that is taking the social media world by storm. The photo-sharing site allows users to create inspiration boards with topics of their choosing and “pin” images to these boards. Users can either pin images they find on the Internet or browse the numerous amounts of photos that others have posted…
Getting organized is about improving your quality of life without spending much more than time and energy. In this questionable economy, this has become even more important…
National Friendship Day always brings to my mind how important friendship is and how blessed we are when we have a true friend or friends. Friendship Day celebrations take place on the first Sunday of August every year…
Danielle Nicolet traveled a fortuitous path to Hollywood. From her first audition (she got the part) to her recent role on UPN’s “All of Us” (Entertainment Weekly called her “the breakout star of the network”), Nicolet’s career appears carefree. But as we all know, looking gorgeous is never quite as easy as it seems.
We see a story on television or read an article in the newspaper or on the internet about a non-profit organization who is doing some commendable things for kids, the disabled, a town, the elderly. It pulls at our heart strings and we decide…
Have you ever tried to pick up your purse using only your baby finger. Not only does it hurt, but you probably can’t even lift your purse. It gets easier if you use 2 or even all five of your fingers or basically your hand…
Now we all know that nothing in life is always perfect, so this is where we must begin our journey towards making a positive impact. Be grateful!!!
Do you remember the Nike saying “Just Do It”? Sometimes in life we plan, we review the plan, we tweak the plan and then we look at the plan one more time and then…
Michelle Obama just came back from her overseas trip where she accompanied her husband President Obama. In watching the Today Show this morning it seemed to be a consensus that she was a great hit…