Minding Her Business: Tara McGee

Tara McGee Bayete Jewelry CollectionName of business:

Bayete Jewelry Collection

How long you have been in business for yourself?:

I started designing in mid 2009.

Business product or service:

Jewelry design and crocheting

What led you to start your business?:

I decided after 15 years of being in the mortgage field as a senior loan processor that I needed a break. I was a wife and mother and somehow during that time I had lost myself. I spoke with my husband about taking a year off work after the company I worked for closed and he agreed. I’ve been creating every since.

What kept/keeps you going during challenging times?:

I don’t consider what I do to have many challenges. I am motivated by my desire and passion to create. It’s like therapy! I love people and have always been a people person so when I am out at shows I am in my element. The designing and networking has been awesome for me.

I think we all have a gift and my Heavenly Father for some reason chose to bless me with a creative gene..and I am grateful! I love being creative.

One lesson you’ve learned during your entrepreneurial journey:

The lesson for me was I shouldn’t have waited so long to find me. Every woman should do the same thing, take time out for you! As I stated before we all have a gift, but I didn’t discover this talent until I was 40 but it didn’t go undiscovered. Be honest, sincere and trustworthy. Treat people the way you would like to be treated…. If you do, you’ll be successful because you will have made long lasting relationships with people you never thought.

One thing about your business that makes you smile:

Every time I create a piece I know it is the bomb, I smile. Every time I see someone wearing a piece I’ve created, I smile. Every time I get a call from a client requesting one of my designs, I smile. Every time I meet a new person that I have cultivated a relationship with outside of my jewelry, I smile. Every time I do a show and meet people, I am smiling. Every year that has passed and I’ve sold my inventory, I smile.

Favorite motivational quote:

I look to God’s word for motivation and He says seek first the Kingdom and everything else will follow….. If you put your trust in Him and look to Him for direction there is NO way you can fail. Every time I make sales at home or either when doing shows, I say thank you to Him! It’s because of Him that I have this gift so I never want to forget that…

Favorite chocolate:

I like all chocolate!, that’s the problem, but milk chocolate is my favorite.


Tara McGee Bayete Jewelry Collection


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