Minding Her Business: Denise Lough

Denise Lough - The Room Designer - Interior Styling - TRD RectName of business:

The Room Designer

How long you have been in business for yourself?:

8 years

Business product or service:

Decorating, Organizing & Home Staging

What led you to start your business?:

After 20+ years of sitting at a computer as a graphic artist, I yearned to be creative in the interior design arena, (which I almost majored in 30 years ago!!) Now I’m so happy, out & about…meeting so many people, loving what I do and helping people make their homes more beautiful!!

What kept/keeps you going during challenging times?:

Friends, Family & Faith

One lesson you’ve learned during your entrepreneurial journey:

Be yourself, don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort area… and at least try – don’t be afraid to fail…..

One thing about your business that makes you smile:

How very happy people are when I leave their homes transformed. How awesome is that!!!!

Favorite motivational quote:

“Have nothing in your home that you don’t know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” William Morris

Favorite chocolate:


Denise Lough - The Room Designer - Interior Styling - TRD Rect

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